WB-CSIRT: Scope & Functions
WB-CSIRT shall respond to any cyber threat and cyber incident to all Public Information Technology Infrastructure in the State of West Bengal.
WB-CSIRT shall assist in mitigation and prevention of major incidents in order to protect critical
as well as valuable Information Technology assets while delivering public services effectively across the State.
WB-CSIRT shall act as the State Nodal Agency for conducting, pro-actively and/or on requisition,
Web Application Security Assessment cum Audits and Information Infrastructure Security Assessment cum Audits for all Public Information Technology Infrastructure including Govt Web-sites/Web-portals/Web-applications,
owned and/or managed by various State Govt organisations.
It shall primarily ensure Cyber Assurance and Threat Mitigation for
State IT Infrastructure in Government establishments,
in consultation with CERT-In and in collaboration with CS-CoE, West Bengal.
WB-CSIRT assist all State Government Departments and their
subsidiaries / para-statals along with District authorities and Statutory institutions
nominating their Nodal Officer in-charge of Cyber Security and
maintain an updated repository comprising details of administrator of Public websites / portals / web applications
managed by or on behalf of the State Government.
To identify Critical Information Infrastructure (CII)
in the State and assist the concerned administrative Department
to work in close co-ordination with the CS-CoE West Bengal,
NCIIPC and CERT-In among other cyber-security agencies as may be necessary from time to time.
To help in development of qualified and empowered cyber-security emergency response workforce
centrally at the CSIRT-WB as well as with each and every State Government.
To impart training to build capacity of various strata of the society
and upskill Government employees;
to ensure Cyber Assurance for all Public Information Communication Technology (ICT) Infrastructure.
WB-CSIRT shall be responsible to issue advisory, inculcate cyber-hygiene and
conforming to standards requisite for ensuring
safety and security of all Public Information Technology Infrastructure in the State of West Bengal.
To monitor, identify vulnerabilities and suggest remedial
measures for correcting vulnerabilities in all Public Information Infrastructure
owned and/or managed by different State Government organisations and 'certify' their status of safety
To develop State's Cyber Crisis Management Plan (CCMP) and implement the same in coordination with CERT-In by ushering in well laid policies and procedures for
ensuring Data Security, Information Security and Network Security offering following services but not limited to:
- Vulnerability Assessment, Reporting and Remediation
- Incident Reporting, Containment and Remediation
- Incident Analysis, Advisory and Benchmarking
- Online (Live) and/or Offline (Batch) System-Log Collection, Collation, Analysis, Advisory and Benchmarking
- Coordination with CERT-In, NCIIPC, and/or any other organisation as would be notified in due course